Zero Interest Loan Program

About the ZILP Program

The Zero Interest Loan Program (ZILP) is a commercial revitalization program funded from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development and Main Street Gettysburg.

Main Street Gettysburg offers zero interest loans to commercial property owners, up to $10,000 per building façade, as an incentive to make improvements and correct code deficiencies within the Historic District of Gettysburg.

  • Façade improvements

  • Cleaning of façade materials, painting, brick pointing, removal and replacement of signage, and other repairs or improvements in accordance with Borough code and HARB guidelines

  • Replacement, repair, and renovation of roofs

  • Sidewalks

  • Improvement or replacement of electrical, plumbing, heating and/or air conditioning systems

  • Modifications to improve handicapped accessibility to business Architectural fees for design of proposed improvements

  • Corrections of code deficiencies

Available starting in 2025.

Contact Main Street Gettysburg for more information on how to apply!